Author: mt_admin
Dinkensh from Ethiopia
Meet Shemsu from Ethiopia! Incredible Before and After Transformation!
CURE Ethiopia Performs Ethiopia’s First Microvascular Surgery to Save a Child’s Leg
Three years ago, Sofonias, an eight-year-old boy, fell and broke his leg while playing outside with friends. His mom, Endawek, rushed him to a local hospital, where the doctors performed a routine surgery to fix the broken bones in his leg. After the surgery, everything seemed fine, and Sofonias was recovering.
Motion-Capture Helps Heal Kids in Ethiopia
We are thrilled to announce the opening of CURE Ethiopia’s brand new gait laboratory, the first of its kind in the country and the only other active gait lab on the African continent outside of South Africa.
Virtual Tour of CURE Ethiopia
CURE Ethiopia and Oxford University Partner to Create a Clubfoot Training Program
Worldwide, clubfoot is a big problem. In Ethiopia alone, there are an estimated 40,000 children with clubfoot and more being born every year. Clubfoot is a condition where the feet appear to be internally rotated at the ankle.
Research at CURE Ethiopia and the Pursuit of Excellence
There’s an old Christian saying attributed to St. Ignatius of Loyola, “Ad majorem Dei gloriam.” It means “For the greater glory of God,” but it stands for the idea that every single thing we do, no matter how small or seemingly inconsequential, matters as it can be done in order to give glory to God. It’s a noble reminder to attack every task in front of us, whatever it may be, to the best of our ability.
Dr. Rick Gardner Recognized by the Ethiopian Ministry of Health for Pediatric Orthopedic Treatments
CURE Ethiopia Medical Director Dr. Rick Gardner recently received recognition from the Minister of Health Dr. Lia Tadesse for his contributions to the growth of orthopedic treatment in Ethiopia.
USAID/ASHA Grant Upgrades CURE Ethiopia’s Operating Room Equipment and Equips its Medical Training Center
With an estimated 2.5 million Ethiopian children suffering from treatable disabilities and the ambitious dream to see every one of these freed from their disabling condition, CURE Ethiopia has a big task ahead of them. Frankly, it’s a dream that’s not achievable alone. CURE relies heavily on continued investment and support by not only individual donors but also through grants and generous government giving.